World Peace

Peace is not the absence of trials or trouble but peace is freedom from disquieting thought and feelings. It’s a state of security or harmony. Some think they would have peace if things would go their way. But that’s not true peace. Not according to Webster’s Dictionary and certainly not according to the Bible. The truth is there’s a lot of things in life that don’t go our way. How we respond to those things is our choice.

The world is now facing corona virus, a.k.a. COVID-19. I’m sure you’ve heard about it. (How can you not?) This is one of those things that has the ability to break our peace. Everyone has a choice how to respond. Will you ignore it, panic, be afraid, be informed, be obsessed, pray, argue, have peace?

As Christians we need to ask ourselves as a person who has a personal relationship with the Creator of the universe, as a person who knows the character of God, in the light of God’s Word, how should I be responding to this global situation? Same as with any situation in life, whether big or small, we go to the Word.

Philippians 4:6-7 says, “Don’t be anxious about anything but in everything by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.”

So what’s this verse saying? Don’t be anxious. Don’t be uneasy or worried. God’s got this. He’s not surprised. He knew this was going to happen. He hasn’t forgotten the world. Nor has He left anyone. He will never leave us. He’s not only still here but He is very active in this world. In the COVID-19 situation we may not see Him there but He is. I pray that God would reveal Himself and His active role in this global situation to each of us.

Let’s not forget the character of God. The heart of God. He IS love. He isn’t happy in people being sick or scared. He stands there, as He always has, with His arms wide open saying, “Trust me. I’ll show you the way.”

That leads us to the next part of this verse. “…but in everything, with thanksgiving, by prayer and petition, make your requests known to God.” Pray. It’s as simple as that. Pray about all your fears, concerns and questions. Pray for your family, friends, your community and our world. Pray. In order to pray we must trust God. Again, go to the heart of God. He is trustworthy. This may be a good time to do a study on the character of God or the names of God.

The next part of our verse says that then “the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.” I love “which transcends all understanding”. In other words, people will scratch their heads and wonder why you have so much peace. While most others panic you will have this peace down in the core of you that shines through your eyes and your smile. It will be the attractive, calming peace of God that doesn’t rely on circumstances but knows that God is and always will be trustworthy. Even if your worst fear becomes reality, God will be with you, walking you through it. He will teach you and guide you and love on you. Your heartache will not be wasted. He has a plan. For you. For me. For the entire world.

Once you get the peace of God down into your core, pass it to others who so desperately need it. You don’t have to go far to find someone who needs it. Especially these days.

So to recap, let’s not be anxious.

Pray about everything.

Receive the peace of God and

give that peace to others.

I’m praying for all of you. Praying for you to not only have good health but to be the light this world needs. To be the hope and the help. To be the hands and feet of God. And that you may give all your fears and worries to Him. We’re in this together. Blessings to you, your loved ones and your communities.

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